About me: I am a native South African who arrived on US soil in 2016 with my dog and cat, answering God’s call to ministry in the USA. I was a firefighter, paramedic, and nurse before God called me to ministry. My ministerial experience includes many years of youth and college campus ministry, prison ministry, and working extensively with people struggling with substance and sexual abuse and homelessness. I am a suicide prevention and intervention advocate, have a BA in Pastoral Leadership, an MSc in Christian Counseling, and an M Div. I plan to complete my Ph.D. in Christian leadership, focusing on Church Revitalization by Fall next year. I love the outdoors, doing crafts, writing liturgies and poems, and sharing my house with my fur babies, a German Shepherd, two cats, and a turtle. I pastored in South Carolina since 2017 until God called me to First Congo, here in Spencer, and I have been blessed in abundance with an amazing church family. I am excited to be a part of this community, and if there is anything I can do for you, please feel free to reach out.