The purpose of the Endowment Trust is to provide an enduring resource to be used for the support and maintenance of the Church, and for its outreach programs.
The endowment Trust is divided into five separate giving opportunities:
– The First Congregational Fund provides resources for the Church’s annual operating budget. The fund allocates 90% of income to general operating expenses and 10% is reinvested. Income from gifts to this fund provides a lasting effect on the financial health of our Church.
– The Dvergsten Message and Music Endowment Fund provides resources for special music and speaker programs. Income earned on the principle of this fund pays for extraordinary events that might not otherwise have come to our Church. Through the generous gift from the Dvergsten family this endowment fund is fully funded and the Church is not seeking new gifts to it.
– The Capital Improvement and Repair Fund provides resources that shall be used for extraordinary repairs and improvements to Church property. Throughout the years the physical structure of our Church will require continual and, in some cases major repairs. Income from gifts to this fund helps to ensure the preservation and maintenance of our Church’s physical structure.
– The Mission Fund provides funds for the outreach ministry projects not otherwise regularly provided for in the Church’s annual operating budget. This fund helps our members as we deliver the message of Jesus Christ’s hope and love for all people in our local community and world.
– The Pastoral Support Fund will fund opportunities for the spiritual growth and maintenance of our pastor or pastors, through continued education and sabbaticals. Income from gifts to this fund supports the spiritual leaders of our congregation, enabling him or her time for renewal and education.
All undesignated, endowment gifts will be invested into the Endowment Trust and placed into the fund with the most need as determined by the Core Ministry of Assets and Resources.
You may choose to donate cash, stock, life insurance proceeds, real estate or other property. When you contribute to the Endowment Trust simply designate into which of the five funds you are giving.
The Core Ministry of Assets and Resources manages the Endowment Trust. It is a policy that principle gifted to the Endowment Trust will not be distributed; only earnings are available for use. It is also a goal of the Endowment Trust that no less than 10% of the earnings will be reinvested into the trust for continual growth of the principle. For a complete copy of the investment policy please contact the church office.
You can request more information by contacting the church office at 262-4392. If you also wish, the church office will set up a meeting with you and members of the Core Ministry of Assets and Resources Endowment Ministry Team to discuss the different possibilities for gifts to the Endowment Trust. Your gift to the First Congregational Church of Spencer Mayflower Endowment Trust will help generate income for the church year after year.
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